I love this time of year! This morning Me and the boys got up and ventured over to the beaverton farmers market. This was Riley's first trip, but something dave and I do every year. It was a beautiful warm morning and we came away with lots of goodies! Some lettuce, spinach, handmade soft caramel, garlic, tomatoes and some basil and strawberries. I am going to give making my own pesto a try. i will let you know how it goes.
So after 3 good nights of sleep, My son has decided that that was good enough. he has started waking again every 1-2 hours. I cant help but think that maybe we may have more teeth trying to come in? i have been watching, but no swelling or signs. it could be too that he is just being stubborn. (i have no idea where he would get that from!). I am very lucky that I havent had to deal with any kind of stranger anxiety yet. he is a very social kid who isnt even close to being shy. he may try and fool you but within minutes he is a big flirt. We went to gymboree class on wednesday, for the first time in 3 weeks because of,him being sick, and he went around and crawled in every moms lap.. no hesitation. some of them he had never even seen before! He is such a silly, easy going boy. I hope he stays this way!